Student's Achievement
L. Simon Raj of final M. Com has secured University Second Rank in 2016-2017.
N. Abinaya Saraswathi M. Com has secured University Fourth Rank in 2016-2017.
Mr. P. RikashPandi, Mr. A. Pasubathi Raja,Mr. S. Deepak Srinivasan Mr. S. Vignesh, of I B.Com (B) has participated and won I st prize in As You Like It in the “COMMCAPPS 2K20”, Inter Collegiate Youth Intelligentsia Exposition organised by Department of commerce with Computer Applications on 7 th February 2020 at MannarThirumalai Naicker College (Autonomous), Madurai
Mr. P. RikashPandiMr. A. Pasubathi Raja,Mr. S. Deepak Srinivasanof I B.Com (B) has participated and Won I prize in YUVAAH, State Level Street Play held at KalaivanarArangam, Chennai
Mr. P. RikashPandi, Mr. A. Pasubathi Raja,Mr. S. Deepak Srinivasan, Mr. S. Vigneshof I B.Com (B) had participated in, Sangamam - 2019 Inter-Collegiate Competition organised by Fine Arts Association of Alagappa Govt. Arts College, Karaikudi held on 4 th October 2019 and won II prize in Mime.
Mr. A. Pasubathi Raja,Mr. S. Vignesh of I B.Com (B) had participated in, Talent Expo – 2020 District Level Competition organised by All Indian Achievers Associations, Sivagangai and won I prize in Mime.