S.No. | Nature of Extension Activity | Date & Venue | Beneficiaries |
1. | Fit India Freedom Run 2.0 | 28.08.2021 & Dindigul Collectorate | Students |
2. | Electrical Safety Awareness programme | 28.08.2021 & Devarrappanpatti | Devarrappanpatti Village people |
3. | Self made cost effective extension board | 28.08.2021 & Devarrappanpatti | Devarrappanpatti Village people |
4. | Safety measures to prevent Covid - 19 | 01.09.2021 & G.T.N.College | Students |
5. | Igniting Lights in Tribes homes | 11.09.2021 & Adalur | Adalur village people |
6. | Village Awareness Programmme | 28.09.2021 & chettinayakanpatti | Chettinayakanpatti village people |
7. | Cycle Rally | 03.10.20212021 & Dindigul Collectorate | Students |
8. | Creating Awareness among the village people regarding Government Schemes | 09.05.2022, 18.05.2022& chettinayakanpatti | Chettinayakanpatti village people |
9. | Drug eradication Awareness Programme (Pledge & Rally) | 18.08.2022 & G.T.N.College to N.S.Nagar | N.S. Nagar people |