Enhance graduate program
IIncrease recruitment activities to improve quality and diversity of applicants.
Increase quantity of graduate students.
Re‐evaluate structure of coursework/exam requirements.
Establish a training program that includes supervision and effective mentoring.
Enhance undergraduate program
Revise the remedial math program and enhance course delivery.
Revise service courses in consultation with client departments.
Re‐evaluate structure of coursework requirements and courses for majors.
Improve department research profile
Strengthen existing research by adding new faculty.
Improve faculty training and mentoring.
Expand department’s outreach activities
Establish collaborations with teachers and administrators within local school districts.
Improve collaborations and interactions with area institutions of higher education.
Organize mathematics activities at local elementary, middle, and high schools.
Enhance graduate program
Graduate committee follow‐up on recent department retreats on a continual basis.
Benefits for all graduate assistants within three years.
Establishment of a complete mentoring/training program within two years.
Two visits to regional higher education institutions each year.
Enhance undergraduate program
Two retreats in the upcoming year to discuss improvements to the undergraduate program.
Department follow‐up to retreats on a continual basis.
Meet with client departments within three years to analyze possible changes to courses.
Continual refinement and use of listserv for communication with allied courses.
Within five years create a faculty training and orientation program.
Improve department research profile
Add one new tenure track line in years 1, 2, and 3.
Within three years create a fully funded short‐term visitor/developmental leave program.
Expand department’s outreach activities
Within one year organize a neutral site meet‐and‐greet with local pre‐college mathematics
Continual follow‐up including a catalog of outreach activities and possibilities.